There are so many lists of Top 10 movies in the Internet that there should now be a Top 10 list of Top 10 lists of movies. Film-viewers need some direction every now and then, and they use these lists to help them. Almost all people familiar with the Internet have used various websites offering free movies online.
There is no one who does not appreciate a good movie. And now we come to some ideas for films you may want to see, given that so many recommend them. These are just a few of the most unforgettable movies ever made, according to audiences.
One film that usually makes it into the horror genre list is "The Exorcist". This film was iconic, especially for its genre at the time. The scare-factor was brought by the possessed lead, a little girl who managed to make audiences scream without invoking ultra-high-tech effects.
It is said that the scares given to the audience years ago have never truly gone away. Who could ever forget Linda Blair’s head going 360 or when she walked down the downstairs ala inverted spider? The production and direction for "The Exorcist" was a true success in that sense, for being able to produce such striking images.
Titanic, the film that topped box office records for an unheard-of stretch has to be mentioned, of course. Titanic is probably the iconic dramatic love story, a kind of Romeo and Juliet for moviegoers of this age. It didn’t hurt that the film put together the hottest male and female stars of that time in leading roles; who could ever forget Leonardo di Caprio painting a nude Kate Winslet?
This is commonly held to be the best of all the movies that were ever made about the supposedly unsinkable ship. And yet the movie wasn’t exactly about the ill-fated ship but about the enigmatic love story of Jack and Rose. “Titanic” made over 2 million dollars in the box office!
Another film that saw epic returns on the producers' investments was "The Lion King". People say that this movie grossed more than any other animated film. This animated film has even trounced many live actor's films in terms of earnings.
There are also end-of-the-world films, naturally: one would be "War of the Worlds". Those who know the story of Welles's broadcast of this over the radio decades ago shall enjoy the film, even if they do not quite experience the bone-chilling fear of those who once thought it was a live and factual report. The power of advanced effects technologies may give the new films an edge over the original, but they are still often considered vastly subpar.
This list cannot end without "Forrest Gump" being mentioned. The subtlety of the film was renowned at the time, especially due to the also-gentle likeability of its lead character. Treasures like these are the real reason we love films and the people who make them.
If you are looking for free movies online, do not forget to try these first. Movies touch lives like nothing else could. These films can still be enjoyed online, either through streams or downloads.
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